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Giuliana Vicini Rosato


  • Alc. 12.0%

  • Colline Pescaresi

  • Italy

Member $20.79
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The wine area of Abruzzo is on the far eastern side of Italy, across the mountains from Rome. The specific region where this wine hails from is called Colline Pescaresi, which lands in the hills behind the coastal town of Pescara. This winery has some interesting historical significance: a wine cave on the eastern wall of the winery was actually used as a bomb shelter for the Ciavolich family during World War II. Winemaker Chiara Ciavolich made this wine in honour of her aunt, Giuliana, who gifted the land to her. Giuliana had wanted to be a winemaker, but back in those days, it was sadly not an option for women. The proviso was that she use the land to make wines without pretension, at prices that were accessible to most people. Chiara started a label named just for Giuliana. Just over 10 years ago, she took over the modernizing of the winery, and today Chiara prides herself on making wines that have a modern approach, while honouring traditional philosophies. This wine should be served chilled at 8 C, and can be enjoyed from now until 2024.


This rosé is incredibly versatile, and would pair well with Turkish köfte kebabs, a grilled salmon salad, or spicy pork tacos.

Aromas and Flavours


A sweet, almost caramel-like aroma reminiscent of your favourite juicy, red berry.


Tangy or sweet, juicy or tart: more sophisticated than a strawberry, but just as lush.


Fuzzy peach candies, or real-life fuzzy peaches fresh from a fresh B.C fruit stand.


Fresh B.C. cherries out of the back of a truck, all eaten before you can get them home!


You just received a bouquet from a secret admirer and the smell is intoxicating.

Handling and Serving
Serving Temperature
2022 - 2024